Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Little Help from My Friends

Dear Pastor Tim

Thanks so much for the phone call last week. It came at a time when I really needed it. I know God is faithful. He never has failed and He never will. But sometimes discouragement comes in like a flood and it can be tough to hang in there. In those times it really helps to have someone confirm that you WILL win that battle you're fighting.

It reminds me of the child who was afraid of the dark. His mom tried to comfort him. "Don't be afraid, honey, the Lord is always with you."

He said, "I know, Mom, but I want someone with a face."

We love the Lord, Pastor Tim. God has been so good to us in so many ways. He has blessed us so much. Finances has been that decisive point of conflict Pastor Mac has taught us about. We are believing God for victory there and that will be our Baal-Perazim, our breakthrough.

We have made our list and we are praying over it every day. We will not be denied the fullness of salvation that our Lord died to secure for us. satan is defeated.

Well, praise the Lord. I feel better now!

Thanks again, Pastor Tim. You and Renee (and Danny & Stephanie) have been a huge blessing in our lives and Star and I can't thank you enough-but we will try!


Star said...


pilgrim said...

Way to stay faithful!! We need that mentality always, but needing it today for sure!! Thanks for your encouraging words on our blogs.